GDevConANZ Launch Announcement

It is with great excitement that I announce the formal creation of GDevCon ANZ Inc – an organisation dedicated to hosting a yearly graphical programming conference in the Australasia region. 

GDevCon ANZ Inc is inspired by those paving the way before us. GDevCon started in UK/Europe in 2018, and then GDevCon NA started up in North America in 2021.  Witnessing the success, energy, and amazing content these conferences have created in such a short amount of time has prompted a number of Australian and New Zealand LabVIEW™ and Test and Measurement professionals to put their hand up and host one in our neighborhood. 

GDevCon ANZ will lean on the GDevCon ideals; 

  1. Independence 
  1. Collaborative learning 
  1. Pragmatism and practicality 
  1. Community driven 
  1. Catering to teams 

Our first event is scheduled for October 24th and 25th, 2023.  It will be hosted at CSIRO’s Lindfield facility, in Sydney, NSW, Australia.  CSIRO (which stands for Commonwealth Science and Industrial Research Organisation) is Australia’s national science agency, and we couldn’t think of a better organisation to partner with as we kick off our mission. CSIRO are committed to solving the big challenges through science, technology and innovation.  CSIRO use and rely on the LabVIEW™ programming platform and associated NI ecosystem to help carry out their research. 

Our first event is still being shaped, but we will communicate more over the coming couple of months as we plan out our presentation schedule, organise ticketing, arrange sponsorships, line up catering, etc. 

We plan to continue GDevCon’s excellent video content (to whet your appetite, take a look at their Youtube pages: GDevCon – YouTube and GDevCon NA – YouTube).  There is so much great learning to be had here.  Their contribution to the graphical programming community has been massive. 

If you are not sure whether the conference will be of value, here are some things for you to think about: 

  1. Learn from your peers about practical techniques and best practices. Many LabVIEW™ programmers work in isolation.  GDevCon conferences open you up to a whole new way of working. You’ll learn about tools to improve quality, frameworks to help build more consistent reliable code, coding techniques to speed up your development, and more. 
  1. The untapped gold is in between the presentations.  Whilst the presentations are what draws us to the event, the reason we leave happy and motivated is because of what happens in between them.  So many conversations happen in the hallway, over a drink at the bar, or during question time.  It is a great way to learn and see different perspectives in one place.  These are the bits you can only get from being in the same room with the other attendees. 
  1. Confidence to deliver.  Attending the conference will give you the confidence to solve your company challenges and problems.  You might realise that your problem isn’t that hard, and may just get lucky and solve it right there in a 2 minute conversation with a stranger. Or you may connect with an expert who you could hire for a short period to get you on your way. Either way you’ll have the renewed confidence you can achieve your objectives, and it makes attendance worth the price.   

We are officially making a call out for presenters, so we encourage you to please head to our webpage and submit your presentation pitch ASAP here: Call for Presentations – GDevConANZ Inc  

As I sign off, I encourage you to check out our web page, as well as research the GDevCon and GDevCon NA webpages, and their corresponding Youtube channels, to see how impressive these events can be.  We’d love a big turnout to our first event, as its been a while between drinks since the LabVIEW™ community in our neck of the woods has come together, so please consider attending. 

To stay in touch, please share this with your colleagues, or prompt them to sign up to our newsletter so they can stay informed of this exciting development 

Looking forward to meeting you in Sydney in October 2023! 

Yours sincerely 

Christopher Farmer 

President – GDevCon ANZ Inc 



